truChIP染色质提取剪切试剂盒(含甲醛) truChIP Chromatin Shearing Reagent Kit with Formaldehyde


truChIP Chromatin Shearing Reagent Kit with Formaldehyde

染色质提取试剂盒(含甲醛),包含6种不同成分的提取buffer及甲醛,是提取染色质用于AFA染色质剪切的更优化的方案,利用 Covaris AFA™技术,等温非接触,高效可重复的进行贴壁和悬浮的哺乳动物细胞系的染色质剪切,不破坏表位完整性,可应用于 ChIP-qPCR, ChIP-Chip, and ChIP-Seq。大包装520155 10次/kit。注意不同的Covaris AFA 平台需要配合不同的Rack/Holder适配器使用。 M220: •520045 microTUBE AFA Fiber Pre-Slit Snap-Cap 6x16mm (25) •520130 milliTUBE 1 ml AFA Fiber (100) •500414 M220 Holder XTU •500489 M220 Holder XTU Insert microTUBE 130 µl •500422 M220 Holder XTU Insert milliTUBE 1 ml S-Series: •520045 microTUBE AFA Fiber Pre-Slit Snap-Cap 6x16mm (25) •520130 milliTUBE 1 ml AFA Fiber (100) •500114 Holder microTUBE •500371 Holder milliTUBE 1 ml E & L-Series: •520045 microTUBE AFA Fiber Pre-Slit Snap-Cap 6x16mm (25) •520130 milliTUBE 1 ml AFA Fiber (100) •520053 8 microTUBE Strip (12 •520078 96 microTUBE Plate •500329 Rack-XT 96 microTUBE Plate •500282 Rack 96 Place microTUBE •500191 Rack 12 place 8 microTUBE Strip •500368 Rack 24 Place milliTUBE 1 ml The truChlP Chromatin Shearing Kit is a reagents only kit optimized for the efficient and reproducible shearing of chromatin from adherent and suspension mammalian cell lines using the Covaris AFA Focused-μltrasonicators. Focused-μltrasonicators provide a non-contact, isothermal method of shearing chromatin without compromising the structural integrity of the epitopes of interest for use in ChlP-qPCR, ChlP-Chip, and ChlP-Se applications. Kit Contents: •Buffer A 10X Fixing Buffer (7.5 mL) •Buffer B 5X Lysis Buffer (5 mL) •Buffer C 10X Wash Buffer (2.5 mL) •Buffer D3 10X SDS Shearing Buffer (Contains 1mM EDTA, 10mM Tris-HCl pH 7.6, 0.1% SDS in 1X solution) (6mL) •Buffer E 1X Quenching Buffer (6 mL) •Buffer F 100X Protease Inhibitor cocktail (0.8 mL) •Formaldehyde 5x1ml Optimized reagents and protocol for chromatin shearing with AFA. Kit includes formaldehyde. Requires two day shipping and an added shipping fee for hazardous materials. This part replaces Covaris Covaris 520127

适用平台:Covaris平台 适用样本:组织 说明:应用Covaris自动聚焦声学 AFA(Adaptive Focused Acoustics™)技术;比传统方法(探头及水浴式超声,酶切等)剪切ChIP更轻柔有效,Covaris采用0.5MHz的凹面固态传感器。更短的波长使能量有效集中在样本上,整个过程等温,非接触,诱导剪切力直接作用在样本管内部。AFA技术不但可得到分布紧凑的片段范围,且回收率高,不破坏DNA/蛋白复合物,非接触的封闭体系在更大程度上避免交叉污染,均一的剪切结果,良好的重现性。 备注:AFA染色质剪切更优的方案是含有甲醛的kit,但含甲醛的kit进关需走海运并加收危险品费。

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520154 truChIP染色质提取剪切试剂盒(含甲醛) 1 kit 咨询客服
520155 truChIP染色质提取剪切试剂盒(含甲醛) 10次/ kit 咨询客服