Kapa Biosystems官网 kapa试剂中国代理商

Kapa Biosystems官网 kapa试剂中国代理商
Kapa是世界上著名的生物技术公司。总部位于美国波士顿, 公司的主要理念是运用分子和遗传学技术来打造新一代的生物科学和医学诊断产品。
Kapa公司目前主要是在“直接进化(directed evolution technology platform)”的技术平台上来筛选和生产高品质的生物酶。目前生物医药领域所使用的大部分生物酶都只是天然存在形式,即使有些酶经过基因工程改造,但是由于酶分子自身的结构和功能限制,要想得到真正满足科研工作人员需要的产品,却是一件费时费力的事情,而且常常达不到预期的要求。“直接进化”技术正是针对这一现实情况,运用遗传,基因工程,生物信息学等技术来在分子水平上设计真正满足不同实际要求的生物酶。通过创新,Kapa为广大的科研人员提供了一系列拥有多项技术的产品,不仅能够满足普通科研需要,同时为高通量,基因芯片等高新技术的普及创造了条件。 运用“直接进化”技术,Kapa目前已经开发出来了以下的高品质产品:
1. Kapa2G超强PCR (Kapa2G Robust PCR)。适用范围:可用于普通的PCR反应中;AT和GC碱基含量高的扩增;模板 中含有常见的PCR反应抑制物,例如,盐离子,尿素,SDS,乙醇,EDTA等;石蜡油包被样品;粪便样品;菌落PCR。
2. Kapa2G 快速PCR(Kapa2G Fast PCR)。高灵敏度,高特异性。延伸速度高达1秒/kb,(常规延伸速度是60s/kb),可扩增出长达5kb的目的片段,节省大约75%的反应时间。
3.实时荧光定量PCR (Kapa SYBR qPCR)。和其他公司的类似产品相比,Kapa SYBR qPCR改造了Taq DNA多聚酶,而不是对荧光染料进行化学改造,因此大大提高了信号强度以及反应的有效性。更重要的是,Kapa的系列产品可以适用于市场上现有的Real-time PCR仪器。
4.Kapa长片段DNA多聚酶 (Kapa LongRange)。Kapa长片段DNA多聚酶是由Taq DNA聚合酶和修饰过的archael(B型)高保真DNA聚合酶组成的双酶系统。后者含有校正功能。这种双酶系统是专门为长片段和敏感PCR扩增而设计的。一般而言,普通的Taq酶由于缺少校正功能,因此随着错误碱基的不断产生,使得扩增过早的终止,从而大大降低了扩增效率。这也是导致在扩增长片段或者模板浓度很低时,使用普通Taq酶常常失败的原因。另一方面,虽然具有校正能力的多聚酶拥有很高的正确率,但由于其3到5的外切酶活性,引物会被降解掉,从而也影响到扩增的灵敏度。Kapa长片段产品的原理是:在Taq DNA多聚酶中加入具有校正能力并且修饰过的多聚酶,可以使得不匹配的碱基被修正;同时,和只有校正功能的多聚酶相比,kapa的双酶系统中具有校正功能的酶所占的比例较少,因此可以相对延长扩增的循环数和时间,从而提高产量,同时得到高保真的PCR产物。虽然两种酶都有5到3的DNA聚合功能,但是只有Taq酶具有依赖于双链的5到3的聚合酶活性,而只有B型DNA聚合酶具有3到5的外切酶功能(也就是校正功能)。
5.Kapa高保真DNA多聚酶 (Kapa Fidelity)。是经过修饰的,耐热的高保真DNA多聚酶。既有5到3的多聚酶活性,又有3到5外切校正功能,因此能够扩增出优质的高保真片段。高保真:Kapa高保真DNA多聚酶的扩增出正确片段的几率是普通Taq酶的15倍,KOD/Pfx2倍;应用广泛:可以扩增出长至6kb的质粒或者lambda DNA,或者长至2kb的基因组DNA扩增;用量少:由于其高活性,和其它的高保真产品相比,每个反应的用量要少,从而为实验者节省资金;易于克隆:Kapa高保真DNA多聚酶扩增出钝头产物,非常易于克隆;快速:扩增速度是pfu的2-3倍。 另外,还有普通的KapaTaq DNA多聚酶,以及热启动酶,T4连接酶,快速连接试剂盒等产品。

产品归类 厂家 货号 品名 规格 目录价
HiFi高保真酶 KAPA KK2101 HiFi 100 units 700
KAPA KK2102 HiFi 250 units 1600
KAPA KK2501 HiFi Hot Start 100 units 800
KAPA KK2502 HiFi Hot Start 250 units 1800
KAPA KK2601 HiFi Hot Start 100 rxn 800
KAPA KK2602 HiFi Hot Start 500 rxn 3500
HiFi高保真酶(二代测序专用) KAPA KK2611 HiFi Hot Start for NGS 50 rxn 800
KAPA KK2612 HiFi Hot Start for NGS 250 rxn 3500
KAPA KK2701 HiFi Hot Start for NGS 50 rxn 2400
KAPA KK2702 HiFi Hot Start for NGS 250 rxn 10000
KAPA KK2801 KAPA HiFi  HS Uracil +ready Mix 50 x 50µL 3000
KAPA KK2802 KAPA HiFi  HS Uracil +ready Mix 250 x 50µL 14000
长片段酶 KAPA KK3006 Long Range 100 units 800
KAPA KK3005 Long Range 250 units 1600
KAPA KK3501 Long Range Hot Start 100 units 900
KAPA KK3502 Long Range Hot Start 250 units 1800
KAPA KK3503 Long Range Hot Start 500 units 3000
KAPA KK3601 Long Range Hot StartReady Mix with DYE  100 x 25µL 1100
KAPA KK3602 Long Range Hot StartReady Mix with DYE  500 x 25µL 4500
与takara酶相对应的KAPA Extaq酶 KAPA KK3009 KAPATaq Extra(针对takara ExTaq) 250units 400
KAPA KK3505 KAPATaq Extra Hot Start(针对takara ExTaq) 250units 520
KAPA KK3604 KAPATaq Extra Hot Start Ready Mix with DYE (针对takara ExTaq)  100 x 25µL 400
KAPA KK3605 KAPATaq Extra Hot StartReady Mix with DYE(针对takara ExTaq)  500 x 25µL 1800
KAPA KK3606 KAPATaq Extra Hot Start Ready Mix with DYE  200 x 25µL 800
KAPA KK4202 KAPA HRM FAST 5ml 3200
KAPA KK4203 KAPA HRM FAST 10ml 6000
SYBR荧光定量 KAPA KK4600 SYBR® Fast通用型 1 ml 400
KAPA KK4601 SYBR® Fast通用型 5 ml 1800
KAPA KK4602 SYBR® Fast通用型 10 ml 3500
KAPA KK4618 SYBR® Fast通用型 50 ml 17000
KAPA KK4603 SYBR® Fast(ABI Prism) 1 ml 400
KAPA KK4604 SYBR® Fast(ABI Prism) 5 ml 1800
KAPA KK4605 SYBR® Fast(ABI Prism) 10 ml 3500
KAPA KK4617 SYBR® Fast(ABI Prism) 50ml 17000
KAPA KK4620 SYBR FAST ROX Low 500*20ul 1800
KAPA KK4606 SYBR® Fast(伯乐专用型) 1 ml 400
KAPA KK4607 SYBR® Fast(伯乐专用型) 5 ml 1800
KAPA KK4608 SYBR® Fast(伯乐专用型) 10 ml 3500
KAPA KK4609 SYBR® Fast (Roche LC 480) 1 ml 400
KAPA KK4610 SYBR® Fast(Roche LC 480) 5 ml 1800
KAPA KK4611 SYBR® Fast(Roche LC 480) 10 ml 3500
SYBR 一步法Qpcr KAPA KK4650 1-step qRT-PCR Kit(通用型) 1ml 1000
KAPA KK4651 1-step qRT-PCR Kit(通用型) 5ml 4500
KAPA KK4652 1-step qRT-PCR Kit(通用型) 10ml 8000
KAPA KK4660 1-step qRT-PCR Kit(ABI Prism) 1ml 1000
KAPA KK4661 1-step qRT-PCR Kit(ABI Prism) 5ml 4500
KAPA KK4662 1-step qRT-PCR Kit(ABI Prism) 10ml 8000
KAPA KK4670 1-step qRT-PCR Kit(伯乐专用型) 1ml 1000
KAPA KK4671 1-step qRT-PCR Kit(伯乐专用型) 5ml 4500
KAPA KK4672 1-step qRT-PCR Kit(伯乐专用型) 10ml 8000
KAPA KK4680 1-step qRT-PCR Kit(Roche LC 480) 1ml 1000
KAPA KK4681 1-step qRT-PCR Kit(Roche LC 480) 5ml 4500
KAPA KK4682 1-step qRT-PCR Kit(Roche LC 480) 10ml 8000
PROBE荧光定量 KAPA KK4701 PROBE FAST(通用型) 1 ml 400
KAPA KK4702 PROBE FAST(通用型) 5 ml 1800
KAPA KK4703 PROBE FAST(通用型) 10 ml 3500
KAPA KK4705 PROBE FAST(ABI Prism) 1 ml 400
KAPA KK4706 PROBE FAST(ABI Prism) 5 ml 1800
KAPA KK4707 PROBE FAST(ABI Prism) 10 ml 3500
KAPA KK4709 PROBE FAST(伯乐专用型) 1 ml 400
KAPA KK4710 PROBE FAST(伯乐专用型) 5 ml 1800
KAPA KK4711 PROBE FAST(伯乐专用型) 10 ml 3500
KAPA KK4714 PROBE FAST(ABI Prism,定制50ml体系) 50ml 17000
KAPA KK4715 PROBE FAST(通用型,定制50ml体系) 50ml 17000
KAPA KK4716 PROBE FAST (ROX Low Mastermix) 1ml 400
KAPA KK4717 PROBE FAST(ROX Low Mastermix) 5 ml 1800
KAPA KK4718 PROBE FAST(ROX Low Mastermix) 10 ml 3500
KAPA KK4719 PROBE FAST(ROX Low Mastermix) 50 ml 17000
KAPA KK4722 PROBE FAST Univrsal qPCR Kit with dUTP 500x20ul 1800
PROBE Force qPCR KAPA KK4752 PROBE FAST(1-step qRT-PCR Probe Universal) 5 ml 4500
KAPA KK4300 通用型PROBE FORCE定量试剂 1ml 700
KAPA KK4301 通用型PROBE FORCE定量试剂 5ml 3500
KAPA KK4302 通用型PROBE FORCE定量试剂 10ml 6000
KAPA KK4303 通用型PROBE FORCE定量试剂 50ml 26000
2G Robust酶及相关产品 KAPA KK5023  2G Robust 100 units 400
KAPA KK5024  2G Robust 250 units 900
KAPA KK5004  2G Robust(含dNTPs) 100units 400
KAPA KK5005  2G Robust(含dNTPs) 250 units 900
KAPA kk5522  2G Robust Hot Start 100units 600
KAPA KK5515  2G Robust Hot Start 250 units 1400
KAPA KK5517  2G Robust Hot Start 500 units 2400
KAPA KK5525  2G Robust Hot Start 2500units 9000
KAPA KK5532  2G Robust Hot Start(含dNTPs) 100 units 700
KAPA KK5516  2G Robust Hot Start(含dNTPs) 250 units 1500
KAPA KK5518  2G Robust Hot Start(含dNTPs) 500units 2800
KAPA KK5701  2G Robust Hot Start Readymix 100rxn 700
KAPA KK5702  2G Robust Hot Start Readymix 500 rxn 2600
2G Fast酶及相关产品 KAPA KK5523  2G Fast Hot Start 100 units 600
KAPA KK5503  2G Fast Hot Start 250 units 1300
KAPA KK5501  2G Fast Hot Start 500 units 2400
KAPA KK5519  2G Fast Hot Start 2500 units 7000
KAPA KK5530  2G Fast Hot Start(含dNTPs) 100 units 700
KAPA KK5502  2G Fast Hot Start(含dNTPs) 250 units 1500
KAPA KK5500  2G Fast Hot Start(含dNTPs) 500 units 2600
KAPA KK5513  2G Fast Hot Start(Buffer无Mg2+) 250 units 1400
KAPA KK5511  2G Fast Hot Start(Buffer无Mg2+) 500 units 2400
KAPA kk5512  2G Fast Hot Start(含dNTPs,Buffer无Mg2+) 250 units 1500
KAPA KK5510  2G Fast Hot Start(含dNTPs,Buffer无Mg2+) 500 units 2800
KAPA KK5603  2G Fast Hot Start ReadyMix 100 rxn 400
KAPA KK5601  2G Fast Hot Start ReadyMix 500 rxn 1400
KAPA KK5801  2G Fast Hot Start 100 rxn 500
KAPA KK5802  2G Fast Hot Start 500 rxn 1900


厂家 货号 产品名称 规格 目录价
二代测序文库制备 KAPA KK8230 KAPA LTP文库构建(含文库扩增)试剂盒-Illumina 10个文库 2500
KAPA KK8231 KAPA LTP文库构建(不含文库扩增)试剂盒-Illumina 10个文库 2400
KAPA KK8232 KAPA LTP文库构建(含文库扩增)试剂盒-Illumina 50个文库 11000
KAPA KK8233 KAPA LTP文库构建(不含文库扩增)试剂盒-Illumina 50个文库 10500
KAPA KK8234 KAPA HTP文库构建(含文库扩增)试剂盒-Illumina 96个文库 18000
KAPA KK8235 KAPA HTP文库构建(不含文库扩增)试剂盒-Illumina 96个文库 17000
KAPA KK8260 KAPA TruSeq Adapter Kit, (Illumina, 20 μl each) 144 rxn 14000
KAPA KK2620 KAPA Library Amplification Kit with Primers (50 x 50 µl reactions) 50rxn 1800
KAPA KK2621 KAPA Library Amplification Kit with Primers (250 x 50 µl reactions) 250rxn 8000
KAPA KK2623 KAPA Library Amplification Primer Kit (250 x 50 μl rxns) 250rxn 1500
KAPA KK8400 KAPA Stranded RNA-Seq Library Preparation Kit (Illumina,24 reactions) 24 rxn 13000
KAPA KK8401 KAPA Stranded RNA-Seq Library Preparation Kit (96 reactions) 96 rxn 40000
KAPA KK8420 KAPA Stranded mRNA-Seq Library Preparation Kit (24 reactions) 24 rxn 15000
KAPA KK8421 KAPA Stranded mRNA-Seq Library Preparation Kit (96 reactions) 96 rxn 47000
KAPA KK8483 KAPA Stranded RNA-Seq Kit with RiboErase(HMR) (24rxns) 24rxn 28000
KAPA KK8484 KAPA Stranded RNA-Seq Kit with RiboErase(HMR) (96rxns) 96rxn 98000
KAPA KK8500 KAPA Hyper Prep Kit (8 reactions) 8 rxn 3100
KAPA KK8501 KAPA Hyper Prep Kit, no amplification (8 reactions) 8 rxn 2970
KAPA KK8502 KAPA Hyper Prep Kit (24 reactions) 24 rxn 8100
KAPA KK8503 KAPA Hyper Prep Kit, no amplification (24 reactions) 24 rxn 7830
KAPA KK8504 KAPA Hyper Prep Kit (96 reactions) 96 rxn 28100
KAPA KK8505 KAPA Hyper Prep Kit, no amplification (96 reactions) 96 rxn 27000
KAPA KK8510 KAPA Hyper Plus Kit (Illumina,8 rxns) 8 rxn 3500
KAPA KK8511 KAPA Hyper Plus Kit, PCR-free (Illumina,8 rxns) 8 rxn 3370
KAPA KK8512 KAPA Hyper Plus Kit (Illumina,24 rxns) 24 rxn 9300
KAPA KK8513 KAPA Hyper Plus Kit, PCR-free (Illumina,24rxns) 24 rxn 9030
KAPA KK8514 KAPA Hyper Plus Kit (Illumina,96 rxns) 96 rxn 32900
KAPA KK8515 KAPA Hyper Plus Kit, PCR-free (Illumina,96 rxns) 96 rxn 31800
KAPA KK8300 Ion Torrent  Library Preparation Kit (8 reactions) 8 rxn 2520
KAPA KK8301 Ion Torrent   Library Preparation Kit (48 reactions) 48 rxn 13860
KAPA KK8310 Ion Torrent Library Preparation Kit, no amplification (8 reactions) 8 rxn 2280
KAPA KK8311 Ion TorrentLibrary Preparation Kit, no amplification (48 reactions) 48 rxn 12420
KAPA KK8330 Adapter Kit, non-Barcoded (8 reactions    Ion Torrent 8 rxn 1200
KAPA KK8331 Adapter Kit, Barcodes 1 – 8 (48 reactions)   Ion Torrent 48 rxn 7500
KAPA KK8332 Adapter Kit, Barcodes 9 – 16 (48 reactions)   Ion Torrent 48 rxn 7500
KAPA KK8333 Adapter Kit, Barcodes 17 – 24 (48 reactions)   Ion Torrent 48 rxn 7500
二代测序文库定量:标准品+引物预混物 KAPA KK4800 DNA Quant Kit   Roche 454 FLX Each 6000
KAPA KK4801 Primer Premix  Roche 454 FLX Each 3000
KAPA KK4802 DNA Quant Kit  Roche 454 Titanium Each 6000
KAPA KK4803 Primer Premix Roche 454 Titanium Each 3000
KAPA KK4804 DNA Quant Kit  Illumina Genome Analyzer Each 6000
KAPA KK4805 Primer Premix  Illumina Genome Analyzer Each 3000
KAPA KK4806 DNA Quant Kit  ABI SOLiD Each 6000
KAPA KK4807 Primer Premix  ABI SOLiD Each 3000
KAPA KK4808 DNA Quant Kit   Illumina GA Revised Primers Each 6000
KAPA KK4809 Primer Premix  Illumina GA Revised Primers Each 3000
KAPA KK4812 DNA Quant Kit – Ion Torrent Each 6000
KAPA KK4813 DNA Quantification Primer Premix –  Ion Torrent Each 3000
KAPA KK4900 Library Quantification DNA Standards (454 FLX/Lib-A) 6 x 80 µl 4000
KAPA KK4902 Library Quantification DNA Standards (SOLiD) 6 x 80 µl 4000
KAPA KK4903 Library Quantification DNA Standards (Illumina) 6 x 80 µl 4000
KAPA KK4904 Library Quantification DNA Standards (Ion Torrent) 6 x 80 µl 4000
KAPA KK4923 KK4923Library Quant Primers+KSF(IIIumina/Uni) IIIumina/Uni 4000
KAPA KK4924 kk4924 Library Quant primers+KSF(10mTorrent/uni) 10mTorrent/uni 5000
KAPA KK4820 Library  Quant Kit,Roche 454 FLX-SYBR Fast Universal Each 7000
KAPA KK4821 Library  Quant Kit,Roche 454 Titanium-SYBR Fast Universal Each 7000
KAPA KK4824 Library  Quant Kit,Illumina GA revised primers -SYBR Fast Universal Each 7000
KAPA KK4823 Library  Quant Kit,ABI SOLiD-SYBR Fast Universal Each 7000
KAPA KK4830 Library  Quant Kit,Roche 454 FLX-SYBR Fast ABI Prism Each 7000
KAPA KK4831 Library  Quant Kit,Roche 454 Titanium-SYBR Fast ABI Prism Each 7000
KAPA KK4835 Library  Quant Kit,Illumina GA revised primers -SYBR Fast ABI Prism Each 7000
KAPA KK4833 Library  Quant Kit,ABI SOLiD-SYBR Fast ABI Prism Each 7000
KAPA KK4840 Library  Quant Kit,Roche 454 FLX-SYBR Fast Bio-Rad iCycler Each 7000
KAPA KK4841 Library  Quant Kit,Roche 454 Titanium-SYBR Fast Bio-Rad iCycler Each 7000
KAPA KK4844 Library  Quant Kit,Illumina GA revised primers-SYBR Fast Bio-Rad iCycler Each 7000
KAPA KK4843 Library  Quant Kit,ABI SOLiD-SYBR Fast Bio-Rad iCycler Each 7000
KAPA KK4850 Library  Quant Kit,Roche 454 FLX-SYBR Fast Roche Light Cycler480 Each 7000
KAPA KK4851 Library  Quant Kit,Roche 454 Titanium-SYBR Fast Roche Light Cycler 480 Each 7000
KAPA KK4854 Library  Quant Kit,Illumina GA revised primers-SYBR Fast Roche Light Cycler480 Each 7000
KAPA KK4853 Library  Quant Kit,ABI SOLiD-SYBR Fast Roche Light Cycler480 Each 7000
KAPA KK4834 Library  Quant Kit,Illumina GA ABI Prism Custom Kit- Sanger Each 7000
KAPA KK4827 Library  Quant Kit,Ion Torrent PGM universal Each 7000
KAPA KK4838 Library  Quant Kit,Ion Torrent PGM ABI Prism Each 7000
KAPA KK4847 Library  Quant Kit,Ion Torrent PGM  Bio-Rad iCycler Each 7000
KAPA KK4857 Library  Quant Kit,Ion Torrent PGM  Roche Light Cycler480 Each 7000
KAPA KK4873 KK4873Library Quant Kit (Illumina/ROX Low) 500rxn 7000
人类基因组专用定量Kit(文库构建之前用,主要检测提取的DNA量) KAPA KK4960 hg DNA Quant & QC kit with SYBR Universal qPCR Mastermix Each 8000
KAPA KK4961 hg DNA Quant & QC kit with SYBR ABI Prism qPCR Mastermix Each 8000
KAPA KK4962 hg DNA Quant & QC kit with SYBR Bio-Rad qPCR Mastermix Each 8000
KAPA KK4963 hg DNA Quant & QC kit with SYBR Light Cycler 480 qPCR Mastermix Each 8000
KAPA KK4964 hg DNA Quant & QC DNA Standards Kit Each 6000
KAPA KK4965 hg DNA Quant & QC and 41 bp Primer Kit Each 1500
KAPA KK4966 hg DNA Quant & QC and 129 bp Primer Kit Each 1500
KAPA KK4967 hg DNA Quant & QC and 305 bp Primer Kit Each 1500
KAPA KK4969 hg DNA Quant & QC Kit with ROX Low qPCR Mastermix Each 8000